Zabbix Certified Professional (ZCP)

Automatisér arbejdsgange i din overvågning og skalér din Zabbix-installation på tværs af en distribueret infrastruktur. Lær, hvordan du automatisk opdager overvågnings endepoints og -metrikker, implementerer og konfigurerer Zabbix-proxyer og bruger andre avancerede overvågningsteknikker for at få mest muligt ud af din Zabbix-installation.

Kurset inkluderer eksamen og officielt Zabbix certifikat

Varighed: 3 dage

Sted: Herlev

Sprog: Dansk

Forudsætninger: Bestået Zabbix 7.0 Certified Specialist (ZCS)

Næste træningsniveau: Zabbix 7.0 Certified Expert (ZCE)


Dag 1

  • Intro: Zabbix requirements
  • Intro: Zabbix main components
  • Intro: Communication between Zabbix components
  • Intro: Data collection
  • Intro: Zabbix internal workflow
  • Zabbix frontend: Nginx setup
  • Zabbix frontend: Nginx tuning
  • Zabbix frontend: Nginx monitoring
  • Zabbix frontend: HTTPS setup
  • Docker images: Overview
  • Docker images: Deploying Zabbix proxy
  • High Availability: Overview
  • High Availability: Server configuration
  • High Availability: Node types
  • High Availability: Agent configuration
  • High Availability: Proxy configuration
  • High Availability: Failover
  • High Availability: Cluster parameters
  • Zabbix proxies: Overview
  • Zabbix proxies: Active proxy mode
  • Zabbix proxies: Passive proxy mode
  • Zabbix proxies: Configuration
  • Zabbix proxies: Health monitoring
  • Zabbix proxies: Runtime commands
  • Zabbix proxies: Throttling
  • Zabbix agent 2: Overview
  • Zabbix agent 2: Buffers
  • Zabbix agent 2: Main components
  • Zabbix agent 2: Installation
  • Zabbix agent 2: Command-line options
  • Zabbix agent 2: Plugin configuration
  • Zabbix agent 2: Named sessions
  • Zabbix agent 2: Specific keys
  • Zabbix agent: Key restriction patterns
  • Zabbix agent: Key restriction rule order
  • Zabbix agent: Key restriction notes
  • Zabbix agent: Remote commands
  • Encryption: Overview
  • Encryption: Zabbix options
  • Encryption: DB connection encryption
  • Encryption: TLS Accept / Connect
  • Encryption: Using Certificates
  • Encryption: Using pre-shared keys
  • Encryption: Notes
  • Frontend scripts: Overview
  • Frontend scripts: Parameters

Dag 2

  • Database monitoring: ODBC overview
  • Database monitoring: Configuration
  • Database monitoring: Database monitor items
  • Database monitoring: DSN and connection string
  • Preprocessing: Overview
  • Preprocessing: Internal workflow
  • Preprocessing: XML path
  • Preprocessing: JSON path
  • Preprocessing: Prometheus pattern
  • Preprocessing: Conversion to JSON
  • Low-level discovery: Introduction
  • Low-level discovery: LLD rule properties
  • Low-level discovery: LLD macros
  • Low-level discovery: LLD internal workflow
  • Low-level discovery: LLD prototypes
  • Low-level discovery: LLD filters
  • Low-level discovery: LLD overrides
  • Low-level discovery: LLD using dependent items
  • Low-level discovery: Preprocessing
  • Low-level discovery: Context support in user macros
  • Low-level discovery: built-in LLD keys
  • Low-level discovery: LLD of filesystems
  • Low-level discovery: LLD using SQL
  • Low-level discovery: LLD of SNMP OIDs
  • SNMP monitoring: Dynamic indexes

Dag 3

  • Autoregistration: Overview
  • Autoregistration: HostMetadata
  • Autoregistration: HostInterface
  • Autoregistration: Actions
  • Autoregistration: Passive checks
  • Autoregistration: Encryption
  • Network discovery: Overview
  • Network discovery: Host/service events
  • Network discovery: Uptime/Downtime
  • Network discovery: Actions
  • Network discovery: Notes
  • JMX monitoring: Overview
  • JMX monitoring: Zabbix Java gateway
  • JMX monitoring: Zabbix server configuration
  • JMX monitoring: Java application configuration
  • VMware monitoring: Overview
  • VMware monitoring: Built-in templates
  • Low-level discovery: Host prototypes
  • VMware monitoring: Configuration
  • VMware monitoring: Notes
  • Advanced trigger functions: Timeshift
  • Advanced trigger functions: Macro functions
  • Advanced trigger functions: Event names
  • Advanced trigger functions: Trend functions
  • Advanced trigger functions: Baseline functions
  • Advanced trigger functions: Anomaly detection
  • Advanced trigger functions: Forecast
  • Advanced trigger functions: Percentile
  • Event correlation: Overview
  • Event correlation: Trigger-based correlation
  • Event correlation: Global correlation
  • Zabbix internals: Caches
  • Zabbix internals: Internal processes
  • Zabbix internals: Data collectors
  • Zabbix internals: Workflow
  • Database tuning: MySQL parameters
  • Database tuning: Partitioning
  • Zabbix troubleshooting: Slow queries
  • Zabbix troubleshooting: Debug mode
  • Zabbix performance: Recommendations
  • Discussions: Q&A session
  • Course attendance certificate
  • Zabbix 6.0 Certified Professional Exam
  • Zabbix 6.0 Certified Professional Certificate