Zabbix Certified Specialist (ZCS)

Lær, hvordan du implementerer, konfigurerer og vedligeholder Zabbix fra bunden. I løbet af kurset vil du opnå den praktiske viden, der kræves for at konfigurere overvågnings-endpoints i Zabbix, lære en række metriske indsamlings- og problem-identificeringsteknikker og blive fortrolig med mange forskellige overvågningskoncepter.

Kurset inkluderer eksamen og officielt Zabbix certifikat

Varighed: 5 dage

Sted: Herlev

Sprog: Dansk

Forudsætninger: Grundlæggende Linux erfaring anbefales

Næste træningsniveau: Zabbix 7.0 Certified Professional (ZCP)


Dag 1

  • Intro: Functionality overview
  • Intro: Key Principles of Development
  • Intro: Important decisions
  • Intro: About Zabbix LLC
  • Intro: Zabbix licensing model and commercial services
  • Architecture: Zabbix components
  • Architecture: Zabbix internal architecture
  • Architecture: Zabbix proxy overview
  • Architecture: Data flow
  • Preparations: Network time protocol, Timezone, Firewall, SELinux
  • Installation: Getting Zabbix
  • Installation: Zabbix requirements
  • Installation: Zabbix database installation
  • Installation: Installing Zabbix server from packages
  • Installation: Installing Zabbix frontend from packages
  • Zabbix interface: Interface overview
  • Zabbix interface: User types and permissions
  • Zabbix interface: Using filters
  • User profile: General settings
  • User profile: Language, time zone and themes
  • User profile: User media
  • User profile: Messaging
  • Definitions: List of terms used in Zabbix
  • Definitions: Items and Triggers
  • Definitions: Triggers, Events and Actions
  • Definitions: Macros and Tags
  • Configuration: Host groups, Nested Host groups
  • Configuration: Working with host groups
  • Configuration: Assigning permissions
  • Configuration: Hosts
  • Configuration: Host properties and entities
  • Configuration: Host interfaces
  • Configuration: Host interface status colors
  • Configuration: Host interface availability
  • Data Collection: Item types
  • Data Collection: Item keys
  • Data Collection: Item data types
  • Data Collection: History and Trends
  • Data Collection: Timeout
  • Data Collection: Simple checks
  • Data Collection: ICMP Checks

Dag 2

  • Zabbix Agent: Intro
  • Zabbix Agent: Installation using packages
  • Zabbix Agent: Zabbix agent 2 overview
  • Zabbix Agent: Zabbix agent checks
  • Zabbix Agent: Agent on Linux
  • Zabbix Agent: Command line options
  • Zabbix Agent: Agent on Windows
  • Zabbix Agent: Passive checks
  • Command-line utilities: zabbix_get
  • Zabbix Agent: Active checks
  • Zabbix Agent: Troubleshooting
  • Zabbix Agent: User parameters
  • Human readable data: Item units
  • Human readable data: Value maps
  • Update intervals: Overview
  • Update intervals: Flexible and Scheduling
  • Update intervals: Forcible check
  • Preprocessing: Overview
  • Preprocessing: Error handling
  • Preprocessing: Simple change and change per second
  • Preprocessing: Using regular expressions
  • Preprocessing: Discard unchanged values
  • Data Collection: Not supported items
  • Data Collection: Item testing
  • Problem detection: Triggers
  • Problem detection: Dynamic problem names
  • Problem detection: Operational data
  • Problem detection: Trigger expressions and functions
  • Problem detection: Recovery expression
  • Problem detection: Closing and acknowledging problems
  • Problem detection: Problem displaying options
  • Problem detection: Time based functions
  • Problem detection: Trigger dependencies

Dag 3

  • Templates: Template properties
  • Templates: Template linking
  • Templates: Multiple template levels
  • Templates: Working with templates
  • Mass update: Items
  • Mass update: Templates and hosts
  • Data collection: Zabbix sender
  • Data collection: SSH checks
  • Data collection: Telnet checks
  • Dependent items: Definition
  • Dependent items: Master item setup
  • Dependent items: Dependent item setup
  • Dependent items: Multiple dependency levels
  • Dependent items: Benefits
  • Data collection: SNMP monitoring
  • Data collection: SNMP interfaces
  • Data collection: SNMP OIDs and MIBs
  • Data collection: SNMP command-line utilities
  • Data collection: SNMP troubleshooting
  • Data collection: SNMP traps
  • Data collection: IPMI monitoring
  • Data collection: Calculated checks
  • Data collection: Data aggregation
  • Data collection: Log file monitoring overview
  • Data collection: Log file monitoring items
  • Data collection: Log monitoring details
  • Data collection: HTTP agent
  • Data collection: HTTP authentication parameters
  • Data collection: Web scenarios
  • Data collection: Web scenario steps

Dag 4

  • Automation: Autoregistration overview
  • Automation: Network discovery overview
  • Inventory: Overview
  • Inventory: Inventory modes
  • Inventory: Data collection
  • Notifications: Media types
  • Notifications: Message templates
  • Notifications: User media setup
  • Actions: Functionality
  • Actions: Conditions
  • Actions: Operations and steps
  • Actions: Recovery and update operations
  • Actions: Escalations
  • Actions: Troubleshooting
  • Actions: Internal actions
  • IT Services: Overview
  • IT Services: Problem and service tags
  • IT Services: SLA and service actions
  • Maintenance: Functionality
  • Maintenance: Maintenance periods
  • Maintenance: Using tags in maintenance
  • Maintenance: Pause operations during maintenance
  • Low-level discovery: Overview
  • Low-level discovery: Workflow
  • User groups: Overview
  • User groups: Assigning permissions
  • Users: Management
  • Users: Password requirement settings
  • Users: Permission system
  • User roles: Overview
  • Configuration: Import and Export
  • Audit: Overview

Dag 5

  • Configuration: Real time data export
  • Data visualization: Custom graphs
  • Data visualization: Dynamic graph names
  • Data visualization: Network maps
  • Data visualization: Dashboards
  • Data visualization: Dashboard widgets
  • Reporting: Reporting services overview
  • Reporting: Components and installation
  • Administration: General settings
  • Administration: Housekeeping settings
  • Administration: Global regular expressions
  • Performance: Health dashboard
  • Performance: Data collectors
  • Performance: Internal processes
  • Performance: Internal caches
  • Performance: Zabbix Queue
  • Zabbix releases: LTS, major and minor versions
  • Zabbix releases: Upgrade and compatibility
  • Discussions: Q&A session
  • Course attendance certificate
  • Zabbix 6.0 Certified Specialist Exam
  • Zabbix 6.0 Certified Specialist Certificate


Opgradér din ZCS 6.0 certificering til 7.0

Få styr på ændringerne og forbedringerne, der er introduceret i den seneste Zabbix LTS-udgivelse. Få praktisk erfaring med at administrere Zabbix 7.0 LTS-miljøer, de nyeste dataindsamlings-, visualiserings- og problemdetekteringsfunktioner og mere.

Forudsætninger: Zabbix 6.0 Certified Specialist certifikat

Varighed: 6 timer