Reference – Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality Lyngby-Taarbæk Municipality Recommendation ”We have gained a clear understanding of the threats, their scale, and the potential consequences if they materialize. We now have a solid foundation to move forward and improve...
Reference – EDC EDC Mæglerne Recommendation “Thanks to KonsensIT, part of CapMon, the tender was structured in a way that allowed it to be broken down into smaller components. This enabled suppliers to bid only on specific parts of the telecommunications...
Reference – NHC A/S NHC A/S Recommendation ”KonsensIT, which is part of CapMon, has during our collaboration demonstrated a clear understanding of our business and the way we operate. This means they are better able to contribute with ideas and suggestions for...
Reference – Region Northern Jutland Region Northern Jutland Precise measurements reveal bottlenecks At Region Northern Jutland, staff at the region’s hospitals often complained about long response times when working in the region’s EHR system...
Reference – Kamstrup Kamstrup Recommendation Today, we centralize all monitoring with CapMon because it gives us an overview of the parameters that need to be measured. Keeping a finger on the pulse.”We receive alerts as soon as potential problems begin to...
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